Last night I quickly decided I needed to cut Monroe's hair so I asked him to come in from playing outside. I thought a fast haircut then off to the bath since it was already time to eat. As I quickly grabbed my clipper bag everything fell out. I picked up everything and started buzzing Monroe's hair since he was sitting so still in his chair. A second later I realized something was VERY wrong. I looked at the back of his head and then the clippers. To my disbelief the #3 blade had fell off and I had buzzed his head with just the bare clippers. He now has a big strip on the back of his head. The good thing is it is in the back of his head not the front.
In the coming weeks I am sure I will be asked, "What happened--did he have some kind of surgery?" With all our injuries from last weekend--I hurt my arm and foot and Monroe got burned. We already look like an battle-scared family so I guess a strip of hair missing just completes the package.
In the coming weeks I am sure I will be asked, "What happened--did he have some kind of surgery?" With all our injuries from last weekend--I hurt my arm and foot and Monroe got burned. We already look like an battle-scared family so I guess a strip of hair missing just completes the package.