Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cutting it Too Close

Last night I quickly decided I needed to cut Monroe's hair so I asked him to come in from playing outside. I thought a fast haircut then off to the bath since it was already time to eat. As I quickly grabbed my clipper bag everything fell out. I picked up everything and started buzzing Monroe's hair since he was sitting so still in his chair. A second later I realized something was VERY wrong. I looked at the back of his head and then the clippers. To my disbelief the #3 blade had fell off and I had buzzed his head with just the bare clippers. He now has a big strip on the back of his head. The good thing is it is in the back of his head not the front.

In the coming weeks I am sure I will be asked, "What happened--did he have some kind of surgery?" With all our injuries from last weekend--I hurt my arm and foot and Monroe got burned. We already look like an battle-scared family so I guess a strip of hair missing just completes the package.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Teaching Writing

Yesterday a friend took my daughter to the pool while my son napped so I took the opportunity to watch “Teaching Writing: Structure and Style”. It is a seminar lead by The Institute for Excellence in Writing. I watched the first dvd and I can’t wait to teach my daughter to write. Although she is just beginning to read I am going to try to get her start on note taking—the first step in the writing process.

It makes me laugh that I am exciting about this. I was one of those people who hated English—writing and reading. I took all the easy teaches. I really did not ever write a paper until college (and I went to a very good high school). Since I am now homeschooling my daughter in the classical style I know that I will be reading a lot of the classics along with her. I also hope to learn how to become a better writer.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Whining and Complaining

Recently I accidentally came across a book titled, "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes . . . in You and Your Kids!" by Scott Turnansky and Joanne Miller at the library. At the point I found it both my kids were whining so I picked it up. Once I started reading it I knew it was the exact book I needed to read. It focuses on teaching your kids and YOU to honor others. After reading it I believe it is the best parenting book I have ever read.

While reading the book I realized that I was the one who needed to learn how to honor others. I am the one who spoke loudly and was short to others. It seemed I always got frustrated when my way was block.

So now I am on a journey not only to teach my children how to honor each other but also teaching myself. The teaching of honor doesn't just deal with behavior but the heart. I know my heart needs to be continually looking at God change me as well as my children.

At this point I am rereading the book. I have also started "Seeds of Kindness" jars for my children. They receive a seed (or bean) when I see them honoring and being kind. We have talked about how as we are kind and honoring we are growing in God.

In addition, each time we see unkindness or dishonor we try to change the behavior and ask that person to show honor to the person they dishonored--through words or action.

Today has been a good day--both kids have been very honoring today and I haven't been loud in my responses. I pray it continues as we finish our day.