Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Teaching Writing

Yesterday a friend took my daughter to the pool while my son napped so I took the opportunity to watch “Teaching Writing: Structure and Style”. It is a seminar lead by The Institute for Excellence in Writing. I watched the first dvd and I can’t wait to teach my daughter to write. Although she is just beginning to read I am going to try to get her start on note taking—the first step in the writing process.

It makes me laugh that I am exciting about this. I was one of those people who hated English—writing and reading. I took all the easy teaches. I really did not ever write a paper until college (and I went to a very good high school). Since I am now homeschooling my daughter in the classical style I know that I will be reading a lot of the classics along with her. I also hope to learn how to become a better writer.

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