Saturday, October 24, 2009

Unbelievable Savings!

I am almost glad Saturday night is here—too many good deals at Rite aid this week.
Look at what I got:

$1,098.53 Total Cost w/o Coupon
$944.20 Coupon Savings
$154.33 Total Out of Pocket

$80.00 Gift Cards Earned (Rite Aid)
$33.00 Mail In Rebates
$179.74 Single Check Rebate (Rite Aid Rebate Program)

+$138.41 I ended up making money buying all this stuff!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Girl! I'm too overwhelmed with all the trips I made this week, to try to tally it all up! :-D I also was glad for the week to come to a close! - Kelly

Amber Red said...

I have been avoiding Rite aid at all cost because of the whole rebate thing. Seems like it might be worth it with that savings. I was under the understanding though that they only allow one rebate per item? is that not the case?